“Tis the season to be jolly and be thankful for all that you have.”
Winter Break is amazing~ I am truly blessed with all that I have been given and I have the most amazing friends and family ever. I have been able to spend quality time with my friends and family and reflect on ways that I can become more like my Savior. Christmas this year was not all about gifts it was about Christ. I was able to attend an unforgettable sacrament meeting put on by my Grandfather and Wendy Watson. I learned more about the symbolism of Christ and how to use the gift of the atonement in my life in order to become closer to the Savior. The spirit was strong and it made the rest of my Christmas day joyous and full of love.
I truly love giving gifts and making other people smile.
I have loved my break from teaching and have packed my days off with fun events, family outings, and a best friend getting married.
I am so grateful for the gospel and recognize whenever I find myself randomly smiling throughout the day it is because of the joys I receive by being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Park City weekend get away with the Jackson's- late runs to the unlimited complimentary cookie jar, rolling in the snow and then getting in the hot tub, swimming in the pool, and watching ELF! |
Cassidy and Joey's wedding and a trip to the Draper lights. |
Christmas notes from my students were the best! My student's truly taught me a lesson about caring and being thoughtful when it comes to the gifts they give. Some of my favorites were a homemade pencil holder, a dress from a mother's closet, a family christmas card, and homemade book labels. |
Nelson Family Christmas Party! Complete with a live Nativity! |
The Annual Gamma/ XI Ugly Sweater Party! |
Girls Verses Boys night of bowling. |
Using the Marvelous Midway Cabin and staying up late playing games.
(Picture was taken by Caden-age 4- who may or may not be obsessed with taking pictures) |
A family Christmas present of snowmobiling and skiing at Deer Valley.
Snowmobiling is so much fun when you can drive your own. |
Getting our own special room to have a nice dinner as a family- drawing on the table, dessert first, leftover box, and being the mother. |
Visiting the Jackson Family Tradition of Christmas Eve Bowling. |
Christmas Eve Dinner at Asian Star, watching christmas lights, and staying up till 2 in the morning watching
Visiting the Jackson's on Christmas to have dinner and play with their Christmas gifts Santa gave them. |
Lindsey Ann Smart Smith's Wedding
One of my best friends decided to take the next big step in life and get married to the man of her dreams Jake Smith. Their wedding dinner and wedding reception were amazing. She was the most beautiful bride ever and her decorating skills were amazing. I love Lindsey so much and she has played a very important role in my life. She has helped me become the person that I am and I am grateful for her example in my life. Congrats Linds and Jake you both are wonderful!
Wedding Dinner Favors |
Chilling with the bride before she left. Linds thanks again for being such an amazing friend. |
1 comment:
Brynd I found your blog and I am so happy!! I'm glad to see you're doing well. Love ya. :)
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